Nightmare Alley (1947): Geeks and Freaks

Nightmare Alley (1947)

In Nightmare Alley (1947), based on the dark novel by William Lindsay Gresham, you enter a bizarre oneiric universe of thwarted ambition and inescapable degradation.

A world of geeks and freaks, where a predatory femme-fatale uses greed not sex to trap her prey, where the hallucinations at the bottom of an empty gin bottle transport you to hell, where illusion and reality fuse into a phantasmagoria of tarot cards and hangmen, and where both tabernacles and carnival tents mock faith and trade on gullibility.  Life is a squalid con where you can trust no one, the only solace is in booze, and redemption is as a carnival geek fed on live chickens.

Director Edmund Goulding and cinematographer Lee Garmes fashion a monstrous world of dark nights and sordid shadows.  Death and opportunism are pulled out of an illusionist’s trunk, and a fog of angst shrouds all in its wake. There are no actors here: only visages and apparitions that inhabit a shadow play where Jungian archetypes invade your subconscious.

Never was a film noir more aptly titled – the nightmare at the end of the dark alley of the soul.

Nightmare Alley (1947)

8 thoughts on “Nightmare Alley (1947): Geeks and Freaks”

  1. In his very engaging “Guide for the Film Fanatic” Danny Peary says of NIGHTMARE ALLEY: “No picture of the forties projected a more corrosive atmosphere than director Edward Goulding and scriptwriter Jules Furthman’s striking adaptation of William Lindsay Gresham’s grim, nasty novel……while it sweetens the novel and opts for a “Hollywood ending” the film is more daring than critics of the day contended……Lee Garmes’ noir photography turned what is essentially a strong drama into a frightening horror film…..” Peary makes some other very cogent and insightful observations in his long entry on page 300 of this volume.


  2. Tony D’Ambra’s own take on NIGHTMARE ALLEY is “brilliance incarnate.” He says: “director Edmund Goulding and cinematographer Lee Garmes fashion a monstrous world of dark nights and sordid shadows……there are no actors here: only visages and apparitions that inhabit a shadow play where Jungian archetypes invades your subconscious. Never was a film noir more aptly titles the ‘nightmare at the end of the dark alley of the soul.’

    I am speechless. These kind of observations should be published in volumes. Fascinating stuff!


  3. I am running around today, but I see there are several other excellent posts here, including the one on Graham Greene. I will be looking at these later today or tonite and making appropriate responses. Your latest creative output should not be missed by anyone, much less by film noir fans.


  4. A truly sublime piece, Tony. You’ve more than done this great film justice. Beautifully articulated and compellingly reasoned. Your points are entirely on-target and I am one with you about the film presenting the audience with Jungian archetypes that invade your subconscious. Tremendous!


  5. hahahahah Tony. Message #4 above is mine, not Allan’s. Allan, of course left #3. As Allan is here living with us for thyree weeks, he uses my PC, and the name that was still there when I left message 4 was Allan’s. LOL! Great to see Alexander’s wonderful comment too!


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